Designer turned client

The first in a blog series on the re-design of my own garden , with sustainability and weather conditions key influences on my design and plant selection.

Designer turned client
How to grow your own cut flowers

Growing your own flowers is hugely rewarding, helps wildlife, is more environmentally friendly, is cost effective… and allows you a justly satisfied smug smile when your friends ask who your florist is.

How to grow your own cut flowers
Grasses for all seasons

We are long standing fans of ornamental grasses and use them in many of our designs. As architectural plants they are wonderful at creating a visual statement with many ornamental grasses bearing flowers for months

Grasses for all seasons
Top plants for a bee friendly garden

Scented flowers, purple flowers, blue flowers and particular markings on flowers – of whatever colour – all attract bees’ attention. Here are some of our favourite plants to encourage pollinators:

Top plants for a bee friendly garden
Is fake grass the bee’s knees?

Artificial grass was banned at this year's Chelsea Flower Show, but as scorching temperatures parch once-beautiful lawns, is fake turf the answer?

Is fake grass the bee’s knees?
Saving the planet through soil!

Soil has a critical role in tackling climate change, and at Alaster Anderson we’re helping our clients make sure their gardens play their part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Saving the planet through soil!
The secrets of sustainable watering

Watering is always a challenge, but time-consuming summer watering can be minimised by carefully choosing plants that are drought resistant.

The secrets of sustainable watering
Return to nature  - our approach to the environment

Working with nature every day means that we see and feel the impact that we have on the environment, the team are therefore passionate about sustainability in their professional and personal lives.

Return to nature - our approach to the environment